Perhaps the sun doesn't rise at 04:30 here as I woke from a good night's sleep, surprising how quiet it is on the 29th floor!  After a buffet breakfast which caters for all tastes I decided to go for a walk around the surrounding area to get the feel of the place. Despite it being Winter here in Thailand it was still hot and humid as I strolled firstly through the immediate area surrounding the hotel and then along one of the main thoroughfares to see where I would end up.  There are no boundaries here, emerging from a luxurious hotel one is immediately surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city as all classes live cheek by jowl and street stalls are everywhere.  Everyone is friendly and I did not feel at all threatened.  It could take an age to get anywhere if one stops to examine all of the goods on display or nibble at all of the vendors wares from fresh fruit to candies to fried banana or satay chicken on a stick.

I could have hopped on one of the local tuk-tuks as they cry out to attract your attention or boarded a local bus, not to mention the numerous taxis, but I was determined to explore on foot.  I discovered that crossroads have digital count down timers to indicate when the respective traffic light will change. Don't be deceived by the little green man when crossing the road. A with all things traffic orientated it appears that the main rule is that there are no rules. Don't wait for the traffic to stop step off and hope, the traffic will continue to drive around you whilst you cross but, miraculously one gets to the other side in one piece.  My taxi ride the previous day was a similar experience, right of way on the main road no fear, just cut across the oncoming traffic to turn right to much blaring of horns and flashing lights, who dares wins seems to be the norm!

I continued along the way finding a mixture of the old and the new as I went. Traffic was relatively light as the New Year holiday lasts for four days here.  That should have rung a warning bell in my head and alas as I arrived at my first destination it was closed.  I thought to myself, is this going to apply to all of the public buildings so this could be an extremely long walk for nothing. Having booked three nights to get me started perhaps I should explore Bangkok when I return to the city?

I wandered across the road to a junction of several bridges where canals converge, a scenic view in the middle of a frantic city.  I paused for thought as I was now quite hot as a tuk-tuk pulled up behind me. That decided the issue I would return to the hotel pool and chill.  "I show you Golden Buddha first only 20 Baht" and off we went.  I was to discover that there are more 'Golden Buddhas" in Thailand than proverbial hot dinners but it was an experience as he explained to me that this one was secretly the best. A pinch of salt to go with the hot dinner lol.

We arrived at a collection of ornate buildings with much gold leaf and bright paintwork.  There are temples and monks quarters and in this case, the Golden Buddha displayed in his own little house. The collection of buildings composed the 'Wat', so each collection has a name preceded by that title.  I was to discover that there are much more ornate 'Wats' where the Buddha is inside the temple and one must remove one's shoes to enter ... more of that latter.  "I take you to tailors".  Apparently under the new regime the tuk-tuk drivers get petrol coupons stamped by such suppliers to try and boost the economy.  Why not, we drove around and was escorted into an amazing collection of diamond, ruby and jade jewellery. All hand crafted and I could buy any piece for my wife, daughter, girlfriend.  The visit was made particularly interesting by the display of artefacts brought back by one of the Kings who was the first to go off on the grand tour of Europe. This is at the Baan Thai Gems Co, 131 Sawankholok Road should you be interested.  They took their time to show me around and explain the history and crafting of their pieces even though I had explained that I did not intend to buy.

Next we went to the much promised tailor's shop so I presume he got two petrol coupons.  Inside I was greeted and shown around. Bespoke suits, shirts and shoes all on offer to be ready as slowly or quickly as I was leaving Thailand. I must admit that I rather fancied a pair of made to measure Ostrich skin shoes, nice!  After departing I decided that a cold drink was in order and stopped for a beer on the way back to the hotel, I could have eaten here too as the street had been taken over by tables and chairs to cater for the myriad stalls selling all manner of Thai food but I wanted a dip in the hotel pool to cool off first.

(I shall be adding to this album as I explore further)


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